GTMA Submits Comments on Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex
Re-Authorization of Priority Use Permits for Outfitters and Guides
February 8, 2024
Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance submitted detailed comments today in regard to the re-authorization of existing priority outfitter and guide special use permits in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (BMWC). GTMA supported permitted outfitters and guide services in the BMWC. We had no site-specific concerns nor have we heard any complaints about the operations of permitted outfitters in the Badger-Two Medicine and Middle Fork Flathead River drainage, but we did have concerns about using a categorical exclusion to reauthorize 62 existing outfitter and guide permits simultaneously.
GTMA had strong reservations about using a categorical exclusion (36 CFR 220.6(d)(11) to reauthorize 62 existing outfitter and guide permits simultaneously. We expressed concern that the current 10-year re-authorization process does not properly assess whether the suite of existing permits best serve the public interest today and for the next ten years. Additionally, re-authorization of existing priority-use permits does not adequately assess whether the current allocation of use is appropriate and sustainable in light of current resource conditions, public demand, and significant increased levels of non-permitted recreational use of Wilderness that we’ve seen in recent years. Lastly, we are concerned that insufficient information about each permit was provided to the public. GTMA strongly encouraged all three national forests that manage the BMWC along with the immediately adjacent non-Wilderness lands, to commit to undertake a landscape-scale analysis of recreational use patterns and their impacts on ecological, social, historical and cultural resources.
GTMA submitted additional comments and suggestions. To learn more about our views on the re-authorization of existing priority outfitter and guide special use permits, read the full comments here.