Badger Bulletin

Public Comment – Flathead National Forest EA

Badger Bulletin

Public Comment – Flathead National Forest EA


GTMA Submits Comments on Flathead National Forest

Over-Snow Vehicle Use Environmental Assessment

May 3, 2024

Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance submitted a detailed comment letter regarding the Flathead National Forest's draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for over-snow vehicle (OSV) use and recommended wilderness area management. We raised several key concerns about the proposed changes, particularly focusing on wildlife conservation, recreation conflicts, and wilderness management. We supported some aspects of the plan, such as prohibiting mechanized transport in recommended wilderness areas, but strongly critiqued the proposed OSV use expansions and their potential impacts on species like Canada lynx, wolverines, and grizzly bears.

GTMA highlighted significant environmental concerns, including the potential negative effects of expanded snowmobile access on wildlife habitats and movement corridors. We argued that the proposed changes could harm critical connectivity zones for lynx, disturb wolverine denning habitats, and potentially disrupt grizzly bear populations. We recommended several modifications, such as adjusting closing dates for snowmobile areas, implementing minimum snow depth requirements, and conducting more comprehensive winter recreation planning. We expressed particular concerned about the lack of site-specific environmental analysis for the majority of acres designated for OSV use.

Regarding recommended wilderness areas, GTMA suggested tightening the proposed language to prevent ground-disturbing transportation or equipment. While supportive of whitebark pine restoration efforts, we recommended more precise language that limits mechanized and motorized use while providing narrow exceptions for low-impact restoration activities. We concluded by largely supporting the forest plan's proposed actions but urged the Flathead National Forest to incorporate our detailed suggestions to improve the environmental analysis and protect wildlife and wilderness characteristics.

GTMA submitted additional comments and suggestions. To learn more about our views on the Flathead National Forest Environmental Assessment, read the full comments here.

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