GTMA Submits Comments on Flathead National Forest
2024 Summer Recreation Special Use Permits
March 25, 2024
Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance (GTMA) and National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) submitted comments today regarding the Flathead National Forest's proposed issuance of 23 temporary special use permits (SUPs) for the summer of 2024. We acknowledged improvements in the scoping process while expressing concerns about specific permits and the overall management approach. We supported outfitter and guide services that improve public access and responsible enjoyment of national forests, particularly those focused on youth and education.
We are concerned about several SUPs, including Flathead Outdoors' request for guided motorized activities in sensitive wildlife habitat, which we argued violates the "non-recurring" requirement for temporary permits. We also highlighted concerns about StHealthy Events' lack of details, Adventure Cycling Association's large group sizes, and the excessive concentration of commercial use on Doris Lake Trail from four different permit requests. Additionally, we questioned the appropriateness of commercial activities in the Le Beau Research Natural Area and requested that e-bikes be treated as motorized vehicles regarding guide permits.
GTMA and NPCA ultimately recommended that the Forest Service conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and develop a forward-looking recreation strategy rather than continually using categorical exclusions for permit authorizations. We argued that without such a strategy, the forest will face "unacceptable declines in wildlife habitat and habitat security, degradation of other resources, and social conflicts." We called for better monitoring of SUPs and their impacts to ensure forest resources and wilderness character are protected.
GTMA submitted additional comments and suggestions. To learn more about our views on the Flathead National Forest's SUPs for 2024, read the full comments here.