GTMA Submits Comments on Glacier National Park Fire Management Plan
and Environmental Assessment
March 12, 2025
Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance submitted detailed comments today in regard to the Glacier National Park Fire Management Plan and Environmental Assessment.
While GTMA generally supports the plan's approach to managing wildland fire over the next 20 years, we argue it is too focused on fire suppression rather than allowing natural fires to play their ecological role. GTMA believes the plan should be revised to provide more flexibility to allow naturally ignited fires to burn, particularly on the east side of the park where a suppression-only approach undermines ecological health.
Glacier-Two Medicine Alliance supports the plan's emphasis on risk management, collaboration with partners including Indigenous tribes, and public education. However, we recommend several specific changes: including botanists and wildlife biologists on all fire management decisions, strengthening language around minimizing impacts in wilderness areas, expanding prescribed fire use (especially in the East Fire Management Unit), limiting mechanical treatments near developed areas only, and establishing clearer guidelines for fuels management. We also note that the plan's referenced appendices were not made available for public review.
GTMA submitted additional comments and suggestions. To learn more about our views on the Fire Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, read the full comments here.